I have had lots of friends..many of them are those whom I know since I was a little kid..they know me well enough same is the case with me..they know what I like, what I don’t, what is my weakness, what is my strength If not for the past one year I would have called these friends my SOULMATES..But now I m forced to re-think!
Not till now I had known someone who just doesn’t know all this but even knows what I think about a current situation, what I am going to say about it and how I am going to react...
The bond between us is just so mysterious to me. The circumstances of our becoming friends were also completely random, there was nothing extra-ordinary or magical but I guess we have both felt this connection from the very few meetings that we had. A point to mention the connection had the same intensity. It wasn't a gradual development.
Ever since I met him in college, we have shared a really weird and mystical, really bizarre bond. We would even go so far as to consider it telepathic in nature. We just know what the other is thinking, We finish each other's sentences, speak in unison, know our next step, and can have an entire conversation across the room without opening our mouths. Sometimes I will get a strange feeling and know that he is just about to do or say something and the very next second he is there doing that! - he has told me that that a similar thing happens to him. There have been times when one of us has known when the other is in trouble, just from a bad feeling that we got or just from the tone either of us had while talking on phone.
Intially, I just considered it a coincidence, but as the saying goes
“Co-incidences don’t happen daily! “
As we flowed ahead being more good friends I thought we knew each other well enough to predict each other and hence the connection..
But now it’s becoming more n more strong..more and more precise..more and more frequent..
We really don't even know how to define it!
We have never met anybody else who can do what we do, so needless to say, when we met each other, we were both a little apprehensive to find out whether we are out of our minds.
We wouldn’t have been so surprised provided we had known each other since years together..but just a year of being friends is too small a time to scientifically define the bond..
It’s Divine for that matter!
We rarely discuss it as a general rule, so I guess I'm been doing some hard thinking about it since our trip. I am very skeptical of paranormal phenomena, so needless to say, I would not believe it if it wasn't a normal part of my life now.
And That Is How We Know Each Other...
Anyway, that's my story. I don't care if anyone believes me - I just had to get that off my chest.